A Warm Reception Walkthrough (In addition to this, there is also a spoiler free map, and spoiler full map, and a hint document. Use whatever helps you best enjoy the game) Note: directions are in plain text, anything in square brackets [] is a comment to help you understand what's happening Part 1: The First Floor Important Bits Starting at Castle Entrance: east east take lamp west southwest examine pizza take key take ticket northeast south down Part 2: Basement Section 1: Getting Moth Cage Starting at Darkness (or Wine Cellar if lamp is lit): turn on lamp unlock door with silver key east take boots east turn off lamp east take cage west west south Section 2: The Maze Starting in Game Room Entrance: east down north east take shield southeast west south take sword up up west Section 3: Getting to Tower Starting in Game Room Entrance: south drop ticket take gold key north north west up north unlock door with gold key Part 3: Tower Section 1: Getting Ring of Power Starting in Main Hall: south east examine bookcase examine How to Amass a Great Fortune take lock pick west north north [assuming you unlocked the door with the gold key, see above] west unlock box with lock pick open box take ring of power east Section 2: King's and Queen's Quarters Starting in Tower L1: up west take pauldrons east east examine safe 1644 open safe take heart key west up Section 3: Princess Room Starting in Tower L3: unlock door with heart key [from the safe in the Queen's Quarters] north northeast take mirror southwest northwest drop cage [from Moth Hatchery in the Basement] take armor southeast south Part 4: Casino Starting in Tower 3: down down south south down east south west [should be in Casino] examine game examine game [examine the game until you get heads (shouldn't take long)] take fun bucks drop mirror examine game examine game examine game examine game examine game examine game [you should have won the bad luck prize by now] take helmet east south drop fun bucks take gauntlets Part 5: Running to the Dragon Starting in Prize Room: north north west up north east east yes yes Part 6: Fun Extras After dropping mirror, walk around different rooms (may make the helmet unobtainable) Try typing xyzzy or zork at any time